More than flexible!

Know How


Boosted by 20 Years’ experience in the field of flexible packing dedicated to disposable medical products such as surgeon’s gloves, dressings, swabs, catheters, sutures, etc…  ALL-WRAP Packaging Machinery put at your service our great capacity to understand and adaptation, in order to carry out your projects, from the simplest to the most daring.

Moreover, from the standard machine to the fully automatic line, ALL-WRAP Packaging Machinery can meet many requests by considering each customer’s manufacturing environment whether it is medical or pharmaceutical.


Eager to improve the working conditions of the teams in production, ALL-WRAP Packaging Machinery has also centred its research on reducing the noise pollution of its equipment. The latest version of ALL-WRAP Packaging Machinery machines is certainly the quietest of the market.

Likewise, in order to optimize the manufacturing costs by the saving in packaging material, ALL-WRAP Packaging Machinery machines are able to produce pouches with different cutting shapes without material loss.

These innovations added to the quality of a well known after sales service enable them to develop the loyalty of demanding customers, among whom are some of the largest laboratories and manufacturers of medical devices in the World.

Most of the machines function 24/24H, 7/7 to the great satisfaction of their customers. Their international fame is the result of serious and total implication in the success of the packing projects which are entrusted to them.